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The Lost Farans   

Present Day: 

     They discovered Mr. Barron’s body under the rubbles of his office a week after the explosion. As the firefighters, foreign news anchors , forensic investigators, and the thousands of reporters now gather bits of information to tell the world the story of the death of the former Prime Minister and the comprisable events that led up to his mysterious demise. The world wants to know who’s conspiracy was behind this. 

The Year 1943: 4 months earlier

      Alexander Barron used to be a strong hearted and fierce man of his word- the way that he built his name around his promises for creating a nation that is far bigger and better than the rest in every way. In fact, that’s the reason why he was elected Prime Minister of the tiny country of Fara. The people of Fara admired that he always said exactly what he was thinking and, for better or worse, meant what he said. For example, at that time when a little tribe in eastern Fara were complaining about the unequal distribution of goods given to the people of the east, despite the government already issuing a ration, Barron set out himself to bring water and resources to each home individually. One of his most compelling lines in one of his speeches were, “If our people are anything but number one in anything, it is like we are last in everything.” This made him popular and just in the eye of the people because it was believed that he would put the people of Fara on the map and solidify them as a nation. 

       With his will to help the people, Mr. Barron also had an ego. Across the globe, there were rumors of a weapon being created by the gifted in the west- one that has the power to demolish not only the entire population of people, but also the animals and natural life that lived within the country. This such weapon was being referred to as a nuclear bomb. This not only made Mr. Barron embarrassed himself that he hadn’t thought of this already, but also of the people of Fara because of how archaic their policies and mindsets are. While Fara is a small country with a small population, he believed what was even smaller was their openness to change and possibility for growth. 

         As Mr. Barron began to think, he started coming up with solutions to this quote on quote national dilemma. Mr. Barron wanted to be the first to create this weapon and establish Fara as a Nuclear Power on a global scale, but he wanted to do it in secret so that no one can take credit or mislead him into changing his mind. Only a number of weeks into his plan and Mr. Barron had now built a team under him who would be directly working on the creation of the weapon, providing him political support, and keeping the location and identity of the laboratory a secret. There were often times in this process when Mr. Barron felt that maybe he should slow down, but what good will that bring? The western nations will only beat him in the race and that would get in the way of his name being known worldwide as the first to create a nuclear weapon. 

1 Month Till Present Day

        It had been 3 months since the laboratories began their work, and the people of Fara had not seen their Prime Minister since his last speech where he yet again promised them protection and built hopes for a better Fara. The Faran people now began to grow anxious as there started to be rumors of a weapon being built in the western countries that were targeting other global powers. Their anxiety was disclosed however because they would think to themselves “Why would these western superpowers want to target Fara, a country that does not compare as an equal. A country with no political, social, or historical presence is surely safe.”  

         Farmers, shop vendors, and many families started to become confused on why there have been changes in security in some of their neighborhoods and if that has anything to do with the sudden disappearance of their Prime Minister. People even tried reaching out to higher authorities and officials in neighboring countries for help in finding Mr. Barron, but no one did because it was not that big of an issue for them.

8 Days Till Present Day

           Mr. Barron was only days away from having a tester for the first ever nuclear bomb worldwide, when Faran reporters started spreading rumors about him regarding his loyalty to the country. They said things like “Instead of helping, Prime Minister Barron has fled the country to escape the poverty of Fara” and “The people of Fara are not a priority for Mr. Barron.” Mr. Barron watched and grew angry as the people started to slowly turn against him. For him, he was only trying to make Fara an international superpower and spread the name of Fara across the world. He began to think how he could win the hearts of his people like he did before. He decided that he has to make a statement and come clean on his actions. The people have a right to know. 

         The next day, Mr Barron holds a public livestream from his office in which only the people of Fara are allowed to join. The people of the outside world were oblivious to it even happening. This came as a shock to the people since they started to think of Mr. Barron as a fake- someone who speaks but never does. 

       Though the livestream was short, the message he gave was powerful. All he told them is that he has been working on creating a tool that will make Fara a well-established country, like the countries in the west. He also said the name of Fara would be on everyone’s mouths worldwide.  His last departing words to the people were “See you on the other side of history.” 

         Later that day, Mr. Barron demanded the atomic bomb to be tested the second that the scientists in the laboratory were done with it. Many suggested making confirmations and precautions to test for its safety, but Mr. Barron’s ego got in the way and did not want to waste any time. It was not longer after the trigger was lifted that the entire 306 square miles of Fara burst into flames. All that was left was the remains of the people and animals, the rubble left from buildings, and the massive amount of energy, heat and radiation that was left from the bomb. The entire population of Fara, including himself, was literally blown off the map and history forever.

The Year 1945:            It’s the year 1945, and the United States has dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They have been labeled the first to have created a bomb so powerful and it is all over the news but where was this news two years ago when an atomic bomb was dropped on Fara, by a Faran official. Of course, any bomb thrown towards anyone is wrong but the world does not know about the events that took place almost two years ago, in the forgotten nation of Fara. The world does not know that Alexander Barron, the so-called fallen hero, was a culprit for his own death and the death of thousands of civilians. Many might remember that his death was the only report published on the internet and might ask why the death and destruction was not even mentioned. The answer is clear. All government officials do not want the people of their countries to know that they too can be responsible for the wrongdoings done on the people. They want to be number one, but never look into consequences that the people in the country will have to face because of their actions. Former Prime Minister, Alexander Barron committed an act of terror on the people of Fara because he desired world domination.