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Unit 3


In this unit, we focused on environmental issues that exist in different areas in NYC and how they affect not people, lifestyle, and nature of the location. With those chosen issues and location, my partner and I had to create a podcast that brought these issues to light and proposed possible solutions for those problems. My partner and I highlighted the various issues that exist in parks that are located in low-income neighborhoods and compared them the well-known parks in wealthier neighborhoods. These issues are especially caused because of the budget cuts proposed by the city for New York City Parks in the Fiscal Budget for the year.

Original Podcast: below is the link to the podcast I worked on with a partner. Click link twice or sign into drive.

Revised Proposal:

For me, the hardest part of the podcast process was definitely refining our topic enough to make it as specific as possible. This part was something we struggled with for the longest period of time because my partner and I were not sure what specific area within our chosen topic would be best to speak on. In fact, I remember that we had already done a ton of research and completed our site visit for the first topic, and then ended up having to shift gears completely mid-process. However, my partner and I sorted this out and produced a completely refined topic with a different site. To avoid this kind of difficulty in a future class, I would focus on solidifying our topic before we do any further research because that would make the process a lot smoother and quicker. In addition, I would also focus on creating a schedule for when we would work on the assignments to get it in before the deadline because I felt that there was a lot of confusion on who is working on what part at what time because at the end we were rushing to get it done.

In addition, I think I would dig deeper to come up with better solutions for the problem because the ones we choose were pretty generic. I would try to establish or organize a club myself that helps parks across NYC rather than just propose a plan. That way the issue will be moving forward to getting fixed rather than just standing still. Another thing I would do differently if we had been given more time to revisit this podcast would be organizing some of our dialogue because I feel like at some parts of our podcast, our ideas are all over the place and not thought through that well. Even though our ideas are relevent, I would focus on timing and transitioning from one subtopic to another.